
Archive for February 22nd, 2024

Tethered to the Cross

Thomas Breimaier. Tethered to the Cross: The Life and Preaching of Charles H. Spurgeon. Westmont, Illinois: IVP Academic, October 20, 2020. 288 pp.

5 out of 5

Purchase:  Amazon

Are you looking for a book on the preaching and the preaching methodology of Charles Spurgeon?  This book would be important for you to read!  Charles Spurgeon who is known as the Prince of Preacher is one of my favorite preacher that I have never heard in audio (obviously he’s before the time where the technology is available).  This is not just a biography but an academic biography that examine primarily on his preaching and his method of preaching.  I really enjoyed the book’s discussion about the hermeneutics of Spurgeon.


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