
Archive for the ‘Ramadan’ Category

It’s an important season for Muslims around the world, and are you aware of it?  It’s Ramadan. And as Christians it’s a great opportunity for us to talk to our Muslim friends, neighbors and co-workers.

Ramadan is a time of fasting during the day (though they eat at night).  This year, Ramadam began in the evening of Thursday, July 19, 2012, and ends in the evening of Saturday, August 18, 2012.

The following are some tips in making the most of opportunities to share your faith with a Muslim you know.

(1) Asks Questions about your Muslim friends’ faith.

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know everything about Islam.  Take the time to asks questions about Islam.  And asks a lot of questions for the sake of understanding!  I think doing this will also help build a bridge–and also allow deeper communication next time with the same individual or with others.  Furthermore, it invites Muslims to be comfortable enough to asks questions about Christianity as well.

(2) Forgo Lunch–to talk to your Muslim friend about spiritual matters.

The gesture shows that there are also other things more important than physical food only too, in your life.  This allows for the allocation of more time to talk to a classmate or co-worker rather than a short passing comment or question.

(3) Suggests your Muslim friend come over to your place for dinner when they break their fast.

True Christian hospitality in evangelism goes a long way, even if they decline.  Since good spiritual discussions often requires time, having your friends over for dinner allows you the oppourtunity to talk about matters more in depth than during break time or lunch time at work or school.  Don’t forget that this allows your whole family to be a Christian testimony to your friend as well.

(4) Purchase your Muslim friend a Bible.

I’ve found in my experience that Muslims have a high view for the Quran–and I think they can understand Christians ought to have a high view of the Bible too, seeing it as the revelation from God.  Get them a Bible–and personalize it with a written note to them so that way it’s not you just thumbing your Bible at them as something seen as a smack down.  Even consider getting them an Arabic Bible if it’s needed (though find out first–it’s a stereotype to assume all Muslims know Arabic just as it is that all Christians knows English).

(5) Don’t forget to emphasize Jesus as the Savior of Sins for those who come to him.

Sharing the gospel might be hard–and offensive.  Of course we ought not be unnecessarily offensive ourselves with our personality and conduct.  Share with them how your life’s attempt to deal with guilt of sins before Jesus–and how Jesus redeemed us with His death and Resurrection.  Don’t forget that in all things, to share the Gospel as the remedy of our failure to be able to perfectly obey God’s requirement.  Make the Good News the Good News in light of the Bad News of our sins.

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