
Posts Tagged ‘Stephen J. Nichols’

I’m reviewing this children book!  Christian parents, though this is a little different than most children’s book this is worth considering!

Updated: Due to an observation from a friend who commented this review has been modified to reflect a theological concern.

Stephen J. Nichols. The Church History ABCs: Augustine and 25 Other Heroes of the Faith.  Wheaton, IL: Crossway, June 30th 2010.  34 pp.

3 out of 5

Purchase: Westminster Amazon

This is a rather fun book for children on church history.  The back of the book says it is for children ages three to six which were the age group of my kids when I read this book to them.  It’s not easy trying to write a church history book for kids that age and the author Stephen Nichols should be commended for his effort as well as his attempt to make it as easy to understand as much as possible!  In what follows in my review I will first discuss about the artistic elements of the book followed by a discussion about the content of the book.  My second to last paragraph also bring up a serious disappointment with a theological concern that I do have with the book which also calls for anyone reading this to beware of one of the individuals that was profiled as a hero.


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Stephen J. Nichols. What Is Vocation?  Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, May 1st, 2010. 31 pp.

4 out of 5

This is a booklet on a Christian view of vocation as part of the Basics of the Christian faith series published by Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing.  It was authored by Stephen Nichols who is probably best known by most Reformed Christians as the chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries.  This book offers readers a concise biblical worldview on the subject of work and vocation.


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