
Archive for March 4th, 2016

The Greatest Battle Andrew Nagorski

Andrew Nagorski.  The Greatest Battle.  New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, September 18th, 2007. 366 pp.

After reading a biography on Stalin last year I wanted to learn more about the Soviets during World War Two.  So when I found this book on the Battle of Moscow I was excited.  In the opening of the book the author made it clear that while there is some distant historical imagination in the Russian public memory of the Battle of Moscow, very few people know the exact details and actual facts beyond the sanitized Soviet account.  The book’s chief point is to explore the battle historically with data outside the official version according to Stalin and the Soviet Union.  The author does this by utilizing other resources such as interviews of survivors, newly revealed government source materials, journals and Western news reporter’s personal account.  I must say I enjoyed the book and the effort the author put into this book.


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