
Archive for March 25th, 2016

Darkness and the Glory Harris

Greg Harris. The Darkness and the Glory.  Woodlands, TX: Kress Christian Publications, November 28th, 2008. 209 pp.

This is an excellent book.  The author Greg Harris is a professor of Biblical Exposition at the Master’s Seminary and he is proof that Dispensationalists can do Biblical theology and Redemptive History and do it well.  I can only hope that with time his writings would become better known among Christians.

The subtitle of this book is “His Cup and the Glory From Gethsemane to the Ascension.”  While I enjoyed all the chapters in the book it was the first five chapters that focused on the last day of Jesus and his suffering that stood above the rest in my opinion.  I write this book review a year after I read it and after reading more books on Jesus and the Gospel my mind keeps on returning back to the first half of this book with its amazing insights Dr. Harris was able to gleam from the Scriptures surrounding the incredible work of Christ.  Harris demonstrate from Scripture that the suffering Christ had led up to the darkest moment of all when darkness descends upon the crucifixion scene and employing biblical theology Harris shows us what the darkness means (I won’t spoil it for you, it’s more than what most people think).


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