
Archive for October 12th, 2021


For today’s post we will tackle the question the Skeptic Annotated Bible asked: Who brought evil on Job?

Here are the two answers which the skeptic believes shows a Bible contradiction:


“Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and struck Job with severe boils from the sole of his foot to the top of his head.” (Job 2:7)


“Then all his brothers, all his sisters, and all who had known him before came to him, and they ate bread with him in his house; and they sympathized with him and comforted him for all the adversities that the Lord had brought on him. And each one gave him a piece of money, and each a ring of gold.” (Job 42:11)

(All Scriptural quotation comes from the New American Standard Bible)

Here’s a closer look at whether or not there is a contradiction:


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