
Archive for October 15th, 2021

I’m reviewing two history books…because Pastors also need a break!


Churchill and Orwell

Thomas E. Ricks.  Churchill and Orwell: The Fight for Freedom. New York, NY: Penguin Books, May 1, 2018. 352 pp.

5 out of 5

Purchase: Amazon

A book on Churchill and Orwell?  Both men at first glance seems so different; so what does these two men have in common?  Both men love freedom and opposes totalitarianism.  With so much talk about fascism and also with the increase statism we are seeing worldwide today this book might be quite relevant to read.  The subject matter and the two individuals that are the focus of the book are interesting enough to read as a dual biography in its one right but what further propelled me to read this is because this is authored by Thomas E. Ricks.  It seems as I grow in my intellectual and thought life one can mark it with different milestone based upon books published by Thomas Ricks, from my high school years with Rick’s early book Making the Corps that was about Marine Corps boot camp when I was a high school kid dreaming about joining the Marines and then when I was a Marine and Marine veteran of Iraq with Ricks’ book The Gamble: General David Petraeus and the American Military Adventure in Iraq, 2006-2008 by Thomas E. Ricks and The Generals by Thomas E. Ricks.


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These are links related to Presuppositional apologetics gathered between October 8th-14th, 2021.  Enjoy!

1.) Cave to the Cross’ Can God Answer Evil? – Ep. 145 – What About Evil? – Justifying The Ways Of God

2.) Bible Contradiction? Who brought evil on Job?

3.) Steve Hays ebooks 1

4.) Presuppositional Apologetics and Hinduism

5.) Brute Facts Revisited: A Discussion on the Principle of Sufficient Reason

6.) Atheism, Mental Health, and God


Missed the last round up?  Check out the re-blogged post from a friend and another friend here

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