
Archive for April 24th, 2017

Last Saturday I posted Who Is God? Trinity Debate: Dr. James White vs Bro. Joe Ventilacion.  This was a debate between Christian apologist James White and a Joe Ventilacion defender of the cult Iglesia ni Cristo.  I thought Dr. James White did a good job.  I followed up that post with my own critique of one of Joe Ventilacion’s argument titled “Argument against the Trinity? Joe Ventilacion on the death of Christ.”  In this post I want to look at another of Mr. Ventilacion’s argument focusing on the Greek word Θεόν.

Ventilacion said:

So we cornered him on the Θεόν because he cannot deny that he had a book written about the Θεόν.  He said of the Θεόν that the Θεόν is describing the Almighty God, the Yahweh the Creator of all things.

(Minute 51:28 onwards)


What did Dr. James White say about the Θεόν? He said that the Θεόν the Almighty God, the Yahweh, the Creator of all things.  So if John 1:1 the Θεόν the Almighty God where do you place the  Logos?  Where would you put the Logos?  The Logos is not the Almighty God.

(Minute 52:39 onwards)

Here’s my thoughts.


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John Frame. The Doctrine of the Word of God.  Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, November 1st 2010. 684 pp.

5 out of 5

Purchase: Westminster | Amazon

This is the final volume in John Frame’s “A Theology of Lordship” series.  I recommend all four volumes.  In this volume theologian John Frame focus on a theology of the Bible. Readers who are familiar with his other works would appreciate the same rigor and clarity in the way Frame argues that is both sound and creative.  Frame is truly one of the most sophisticated and philosophical defender of the classical Protestant Conservative view of the Bible.


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